Busy Woman's Meditation Session

A busy life has a way of getting you "off track" with your practice
and even experienced meditators sometimes need a little help.
This single session of live coaching is for you if you've been away
from your practice and now want to learn how to do a super-
easy type of meditating designed especially for busy women.
With the in-breath, I smile.
With the out-breath, I release.
Breathing in, there is only the present moment.
Breathing out, it is a wonderful moment.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Short, Simple & Super-Easy Meditation
As a long-time meditator, I used to struggle with “wiggling restlessly through meditation” until I realized that, “Hey, maybe it’s
not all me, it’s not my fault if it’s hard and boring and I don't enjoy doing it? Maybe it’s the meditation?” That’s why I created the Busy Woman’s Meditation, because who wants to keep doing a meditation if they're not enjoying it, or getting anything out
of it or seeing results? That doesn’t sound very smart or fun, to me!
If you tried meditation in the past, it may have been hard or boring for you, too. Possibly you felt restless doing it and
didn’t see much success with it or positive results from doing it. Especially if you did a style of meditation like I did that was designed thousands of years ago as a contemplative practice developed by men, monks actually, to support their hermetic, monastic and sacrificial lifestyle. It’s no wonder if we were bored or restless trying to do something our mind and body was
never meant to do; absolutely nothing for 60 minutes while sitting in an uncomfortable, pretzel-like position! So it’s not your
fault if meditation is hard and boring. You may simply be doing the wrong kind of meditation for women, or for YOU!
In this one-hour, single session of coaching I'll share with you how to do my Busy Woman's Meditation. I'll take you
through each of the steps involved in doing it and we'll even do a meditation together. By the end of the session you'll be
able to do this meditation for yourself and use it in your own daily meditation practice.
You'll learn a super-easy way to meditate designed just for women with busy lives.
ONLY $97

Lynn has many credentials, however, her credentials are not the reason
that you may want to call her or learn more about what she does,
it is her spirit, essence and her pure talent for what she does.
She is amazing. She's helping me stop playing small and step into
the bigger work I've been called to do in the world.
I know my spiritual team brought us together for me to grow
out of my comfort zone in a lot of areas and in working with her
I've learned so much about myself.
- D.C.E., Business owner, Atlanta, GA.
Click the graphic below to read more client testimonials
that you may want to call her or learn more about what she does,
it is her spirit, essence and her pure talent for what she does.
She is amazing. She's helping me stop playing small and step into
the bigger work I've been called to do in the world.
I know my spiritual team brought us together for me to grow
out of my comfort zone in a lot of areas and in working with her
I've learned so much about myself.
- D.C.E., Business owner, Atlanta, GA.
Click the graphic below to read more client testimonials