To love what you do and feel that it matters—how could anything be more fun? - Katharine Graham
When I tried to ignore her, she (the Universe) made herself very clear: “There are consequences for squandering your gifts. There are penalties for leaving big pieces of your life unlived...And then one day the Universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close and whispers in your ear:
"I ’m not screwing around. It’s time. All of this pretending and performing – these coping mechanisms you’ve developed to protect yourself from getting hurt – have to go.
Your armor is preventing you from growing into your gifts. I understand that you needed these protections when you were believed your armor could help you secure all of the things you needed, to feel worthy of love and belonging, but time is growing short. It’s time to show up and be seen. " - Brené Brown
Lynn is a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Meditation Coach, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Intuitive Life Coach and Higher Consciousness Coach, Certified Reiki Master, and published Author.
Every courageous road we take brings us more deeply into our authentic being. And, paradoxically, every road we avoid teaches us, too. Some are intoxicatingly blissful, others … unspeakably painful. But there are no ‘wrong’ roads, not if we approach every path with wonderment and curiosity -- a call to service, to self, adventure and discovery. - Robyn Lark Wakefield
After being inspired by her first mentor, Cheryl Richardson, who also gave Lynn her first coach, Lynn began her career as a professional coach and in 2001 she set up her private coaching practice, Soulful Living Coaching . Lynn was formally trained as a life coach and graduated in 2004 from Coach University (Coach U). Founded in 1992 and fully accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), it was the very first coach training school in existence. Coach University is recognized for having actually started today's coaching profession, now practiced all over the world.
Lynn with her first mentor, Cheryl Richardson.
During the many years that Lynn has been privileged to be a coach she has also given numerous workshops, has spoken at various women's retreats, been part of the leadership team for a woman's non-profit organization in California, and has facilitated several women's groups throughout the country.
Along with bringing many years of coaching experience with her, Lynn is also the author of the book,Awakening To The Wisdom Of Your Soul, a memoir about her own journey of spiritually Awakening. From her own "Dark Night of the Soul," Lynn learned that if we allow it, those challenging experiences can teach us our greatest lessons and lead to some of our most profound and lasting life transformations. You can read an excerpt of itHERE.
This is a great story that may people will be able to relate to today. It expresses shared pain that so many are experiencing now. Lynn is a beautiful writer and will grab you from the first sentence as she shares her personal journey of transformation beginning with a devastating loss. If you're in the midst of transition and/or a challenging time in your life, Lynn's words will comfort you and ultimately inspire you to move forward. There's no more important message to bring to our world than this. - Sue Frederick, coach and best-selling author of"I See Your Dream Job"
A believer in the importance of learning and education, Lynn has been blessed by having the opportunity to learn her craft under many brilliant teachers from many different lineages and traditions. She is a Reiki Masterand a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master. Her first level Reiki attunement took place in 2007 in Rhode Island under Native American Elder, "Grandmother White Swan." Her Level II Reiki training was done in 2008 under the direction of Guru Ghanshyam Shrestha in Thamel, Nepal , with both certifications under the Mikau Usui Reiki lineage. Her Tibetan Reiki Master initiation and atunement were done in 2014 under Judith Conroy of the United Kingdom, the founder of Chikara-Reiki-Do.
She also was trained and certified directly by Sue Frederick, best-selling author of "I See Your Dream Job" and founder of Career Intuitive Coach Training.
She studied for a number of years with pioneer Law of Attraction expert and her colleague at Law of Attraction Training Center (LOATC), Michael Losier. In addition to receiving her certification in Higher Consciousness Coaching, while at LOATC she also taught Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) as part of the practitioner certification to the students who attended the school virtually from 22 different countries from around the world. Additionally, she served for over 5 years as the Director of the Law of Attraction Training Center until the founder of the Training Center decided to greatly scale back its daily operation.
Lynn also studied with international spiritual teacher Gil Alan of "Awaken Your Inner Guidance," with Trudy Griswold, founder of Angelspeake and most recently, under the guidance of intuitive and channel Dr. Taryn Crimi.
For 3 years Lynn was also a member of Oprah Winfrey’s OWNly Team, where she reviewed, provided input and made frequent recommendations for potential programs that were to be aired on the OWN Network.
Along with raising her family and traveling all over the world, she has started several successful businesses, starting with her very first one, a retail operation that was the precurser to on--line selling, when she was only 22 years old. She counts among her most rewarding work her years spent as a professional doula taking care of first-time mothers and their newborns. In addition to working professionally and running conscious businesses, she has done many different kinds of volunteer work, including giving Reiki to rescued animals at her local animal shelter in Florida.
Because she has trained in so many different modalities and due to her ability to empower, inspire, encourage and uplift women, Lynn supports her clients on multiple levels through her one-on-one sessions and her on-line programs and products. Her holistic approach to coaching is a unique blend of the grounded and practical with the esoteric and spiritual; training and experience combined with skill, intuition and discernment (aka: "a very good B.S. detector").
Lynn brings a tremendous depth of knowledge, training and life experience to her coaching and is truly passionate about helping women find a sense of calm, inner peace and balance (her favorite word) to their lives.
Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate. - Carl Jung