12/3/2018 0 Comments Today's Busy WomenAnd I said to my body. Softly. ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath. And replied ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.’ - Nayyirah Waheed Life in today’s busy world is incredibly *stressful and being a working woman today is not easy. You may even be feeling pretty stressed or over-
whelmed right now, many women are. Thanks to new advances in technology the pace of life seems to be getting faster all the time, so much so that we can barely keep up. We're constantly playing catch-up with unfinished work projects and endlessly replying to or answering emails and non-stop texts. Then add in the blur of communication and information overload from 24/7 news cycles and livestream coming at us all the time. Plus, we're also being bombarded daily with trauma and violence in the world. And don't even get me started on the subject of politics. It's fricking EXHAUSTING!! Recently, when asked by an interviewer about work/life balance, leaning in, and having it all, Michelle Obama replied, “That whole ‘so you can have it all.’ That’s a lie. Nope, not at the same time. And it’s not always enough to just lean in, because that shit doesn’t work all the time.” Wow, Michelle...telling it like it really is! So whether you're an entrepreneur who's mentally burned-out from overworking, a business-woman emotionally drained from interacting with challenging clients, a young Mom who's physically exhausted from taking care of the kids, or a working woman who's just worn out from dealing with demanding bosses and everyday circumstances that arise in the busy, crazy, stressful world we live in, having a way to relax and recharge your energy are necessary components in ALL of our lives. By the end of the day, you need an effective way to unplug and de-stress from all that. And let's get real, the way you might be doing that now may be by zoning out in front of the TV or Facebook or eating a big bowl of ice cream or maybe even pouring a second glass of wine (lots of women use food or alcohol to ease anxiety and stress, but the reality is, it’s only a temporary fix). Now all of that feels pretty good in the moment, but later on? Well, not so much. What’s having a healthier, better way to deal with all the stress in your life, worth to you? Isn't it time you started nurturing yourself, instead of numbing yourself? Can you relate to any of this? Because life IS so incredibly busy and stressful, I believe making self-care a priority really is a very smart professional as well as personal choice to make. Spending time in daily meditation is an absolutely essential piece of any healthy self-care. The new research shows that taking breaks during your day for as little as 60 seconds can significantly reduce stress and increase overall productivity. Even just a few minutes of meditation is a quick way to relax, de-stress, relieve physical tension in body and release the feel-good endorphins and dopamine. With regular daily meditation you're quieting your mind, increasing peace and well-being while improving your focus and level of productivity. You're deeply relaxing your body and relieving stress and anxiety, too. This helps you to become more present and aware, allowing you to respond more calmly, patiently and creatively to challenging people and situations. We all need something to help us to calm down and get more centered. And since meditation can be done anytime, anywhere (just have a pair of big, dark sunglasses and you’re good to go), you can meditate in a coffee shop, on a bus, as a passenger in a car, in the ladies' lounge, waiting for a meeting to start at work or waiting to pick up the kids at school, just to mane a few uncommon places. As a life coach working with all ages and kinds of women for over 17 years, it's been my great joy and honor to help busy Moms, Generation X and Z students, millennials just entering the work-force, Retiring Baby Boomers, women entrepreneurs, businesswomen, coaches and other professionals learn how to have happier, healthier and more successful lives. Regular meditation is the key to that and the best way to counteract stress in your life. That's why I created Busy Woman's Meditation, a simple meditation technique for relaxing your mind and body. I believe that EVERYONE who wants to meditate, CAN meditate. It's just a matter of desire combined with proper training. That being said, you've got to find the right meditation that works for you and fits into your life, as well. I also want to see you get quick results, that's why my meditation coaching is deliberately designed to be SIMPLE, EASY and CLEAR. Making meditation accessible and appealing to busy women and helping them achieve the life-changing benefits of meditation by creating a supportive environment in which to learn how to meditate, is my deep intention with Busy Woman's Meditation. If you’re too busy to meditate for a few minutes a day, then you’re just too busy! I love helping women get started with meditation and I'd love to help you get started, too! In my meditation course, the Busy Woman’s Meditation Program, I show today's busy woman a clear and super-simple way to meditate. We do that quickly and easily using your computer, smart phone and just a few minutes of your time, but whose benefits last you a lifetime! The list of meditation benefits is truly endless. So if you're an experienced meditator who's frustrated with your current practice and want to be able to do a simple, super-easy type of meditation designed for busy women, or are just learning how to meditate and want help with starting a practice, I hope you'll consider coaching with me. I invite you to see how easy it is to get started on your own solid meditation practice and fit meditation into your lifestyle, no matter HOW busy your life is! *According to a 2017 survey published in the "Daily Mail," the new data suggests that significant stress levels are on the rise in the US for the first time in 10 years. We now know that excessive stress can have both short-term effects, such as headaches and poor sleep or insomnia and long-term health impacts, such as memory loss, weakened immune system or disease. www.BusyWomansMeditation.com
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