11/25/2018 1 Comment The Many Benefits of Daily Meditation One of the great benefits of meditation is the power it has
to positively impact us, regardless of how long we site for. We don't meditate to be better meditators, we meditate to be better humans. - Elizabeth Glasser For thousands of years, the practice of meditation has shown us that even though meditating is a fairly simple technique, the results it produces in the life of the meditator, are not. Science is starting to show us a really clear picture of how awesome meditation can be as every day, more and more studies are coming out saying that meditation has a real and positive impact on your life and is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and quality of life. If you listen to motivational speakers like Tony Robbins and Lisa Nichols, you’ll notice that most of the top performing people all have the habit of daily meditating. There are many different types of meditation, so each of them may have a different approach to it, but they all do some form of meditation regularly because they know with certainty that it helps them to be more productive and perform at the top of their game. The time you invest in meditation will come back to you exponentially, in the form of many tangible and intangible benefits to your life. The greatest benefit meditation provides for me, personally, is peace of mind. I am much more peaceful and I have more inner peace, when I am consistently engaging in a twice daily practice of meditation. The practice of Busy Woman's Meditation only takes up 2% of your day and investing that 2% of your time in meditation will positively improve the other 98%. Truly, the Benefits of Daily Meditation are endless. With regular practice, you too will notice subtle shifts begin to take place as you become more peaceful, calmer and more present. This allows you to experience real relief from stress and anxiety, as it provides you with a better sense of joy and well-being. Meditation lets you handle life's demands with greater resources at your disposal; like responding rather than reacting and increased concentration and clarity. It helps you to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day. And that is what creates lasting changes in you, in how you relate to yourself, how you relate to others and in how you relate to life in general. The real meditation is how you live your life. - Jon Kabat-Zinn www.BusyWomansMeditation.com
1 Comment
11/12/2022 05:20:19 am
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