breathe. relax. release.
You are invited to join me in a complimentary 30-minute strategy session

I would be incredibly honored if you'd consider joining me for
this FREE 30-minute phone consultation to get to know each
other better, to discuss your answers to your meditation
questionnaire (see below), to talk about what kinds of
challenges you've encountered meditating and
also to talk about learning a super-easy way to meditate
designed just for women with busy or stressful lives.
In this Strategy Session I'll answer your questions about my
meditation coaching program and we'll see if coaching with me
is a great fit and the right next step for you, plus you'll get a
taste of what coaching with me is like. So if what you've read
here sounds good and resonates with you, hop on the phone
with me to discuss how in just a few weeks you can have a solid meditation practice that will benefit you for a lifetime!
If you want to know more, I'd love to hear from you...
1. Fill out the short Meditation Questionnaire, below.
2. Then click the Strategy Session button at the end of the form that takes you to the scheduler on the next page.
3. Book your complimentary Strategy Session on my calendar. I'll get back to you fast to confirm our session.
4. We'll meet on the phone (International callers, we'll use Skype) to talk and get to know each other a little better.
1. Fill out the short Meditation Questionnaire, below.
2. Then click the Strategy Session button at the end of the form that takes you to the scheduler on the next page.
3. Book your complimentary Strategy Session on my calendar. I'll get back to you fast to confirm our session.
4. We'll meet on the phone (International callers, we'll use Skype) to talk and get to know each other a little better.
What is finally being able to meditate so you can experience
more joy, inner peace and relief from stress worth to you?