There Are Two Types of Women: Busy and Too Busy
Many women today lead busy, full lives. They’re working and taking care of their families and because
of this, finding the time for meditation and stillness is a challenge. Women today can't say to their kids,
"Go out and play and come home before dark,” the way I could or my mother before me could. Nor do
most women have the benefit of an extended family, or neighbors or friends living nearby and home
during the day to help out. Sometimes, there’s not even a spouse or partner to support them and many woman are simply all on their own and it's physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting.
You can do anything, just not everything. – Anonymous
We live in a culture where being overly busy is glorified and a "badge of honor" we proudly wear.
As we go about our daily lives at today’s hectic “work hard/play hard” pace, it seems as though we lack
any time or space to just enjoy ourselves or be still or even be present in our own lives. I want to change
that by introducing more of today’s busy women to meditation. I deeply believe having a regular meditation
practice can help ALL types and ages of women to meet life's challenges and constant stress and do it with greater levels of wisdom, peace and grace. Over the years in my coaching practice I have often seen two
kinds of women; those who are busy and those who are too busy.
The busier you are, the more you need to meditate.
Too busy women are rushed, hurried, and always seem to be on the verge of burn-out.
They talk a lot about how tired they are, how busy their schedule is, how many hours of sleep they didn't
get and how their life is “just killing them” (maybe even literally).
Being too busy is WAY overrated. It sounds miserable because it IS miserable and all too often, they look and feel miserable. Anyone who has lived this “too busy” lifestyle will tell you that buying into this stereotype of being insanely busy ALL of the time is unbearable, like being in a self-made prison.
For women especially, it’s as if taking time for ourselves, taking care of ourselves, just being still is another word for being lazy or not productive or selfish or the biggest insult of all - lazy. Since when is taking care of yourself or loving yourself being selfish and lazy? That is such B.S.! If you’re too busy to meditate for a few minutes a day, then you’re too busy!
Busy women have made the conscious decision to be productive and they are busy, but they
aren't TOO busy.
They know their strengths, but even more importantly, they know their weaknesses and they know that
they’re NOT Superwomen. When they find themselves too busy, depleted, overworked and overwhelmed,
they know they need to stop, breathe, relax and take a moment and give themselves permission to be still
and present in their own lives. They take a few conscious moments to meditate.
Mind full vs. Mindful
In their quiet time they ask themselves; what's really important right now, what can wait, what can they delegate and what can they eliminate? Not being too busy is WAY underrated. It sounds good because it IS good. Anyone who has lived a “NOT too busy” lifestyle will tell you that it’s liberating, like being set free.
Don't wait until it's too late to finally give yourself this precious gift of not being "too busy."
So let me ask you, which one are you?
P.S. If you'd like to read more about how to not be "insanely busy" I recommend this article by Suzanne Falter, "10 Ways to Stop Being ‘Insanely Busy.’ "
Many women today lead busy, full lives. They’re working and taking care of their families and because
of this, finding the time for meditation and stillness is a challenge. Women today can't say to their kids,
"Go out and play and come home before dark,” the way I could or my mother before me could. Nor do
most women have the benefit of an extended family, or neighbors or friends living nearby and home
during the day to help out. Sometimes, there’s not even a spouse or partner to support them and many woman are simply all on their own and it's physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting.
You can do anything, just not everything. – Anonymous
We live in a culture where being overly busy is glorified and a "badge of honor" we proudly wear.
As we go about our daily lives at today’s hectic “work hard/play hard” pace, it seems as though we lack
any time or space to just enjoy ourselves or be still or even be present in our own lives. I want to change
that by introducing more of today’s busy women to meditation. I deeply believe having a regular meditation
practice can help ALL types and ages of women to meet life's challenges and constant stress and do it with greater levels of wisdom, peace and grace. Over the years in my coaching practice I have often seen two
kinds of women; those who are busy and those who are too busy.
The busier you are, the more you need to meditate.
Too busy women are rushed, hurried, and always seem to be on the verge of burn-out.
They talk a lot about how tired they are, how busy their schedule is, how many hours of sleep they didn't
get and how their life is “just killing them” (maybe even literally).
Being too busy is WAY overrated. It sounds miserable because it IS miserable and all too often, they look and feel miserable. Anyone who has lived this “too busy” lifestyle will tell you that buying into this stereotype of being insanely busy ALL of the time is unbearable, like being in a self-made prison.
For women especially, it’s as if taking time for ourselves, taking care of ourselves, just being still is another word for being lazy or not productive or selfish or the biggest insult of all - lazy. Since when is taking care of yourself or loving yourself being selfish and lazy? That is such B.S.! If you’re too busy to meditate for a few minutes a day, then you’re too busy!
Busy women have made the conscious decision to be productive and they are busy, but they
aren't TOO busy.
They know their strengths, but even more importantly, they know their weaknesses and they know that
they’re NOT Superwomen. When they find themselves too busy, depleted, overworked and overwhelmed,
they know they need to stop, breathe, relax and take a moment and give themselves permission to be still
and present in their own lives. They take a few conscious moments to meditate.
Mind full vs. Mindful
In their quiet time they ask themselves; what's really important right now, what can wait, what can they delegate and what can they eliminate? Not being too busy is WAY underrated. It sounds good because it IS good. Anyone who has lived a “NOT too busy” lifestyle will tell you that it’s liberating, like being set free.
Don't wait until it's too late to finally give yourself this precious gift of not being "too busy."
So let me ask you, which one are you?
P.S. If you'd like to read more about how to not be "insanely busy" I recommend this article by Suzanne Falter, "10 Ways to Stop Being ‘Insanely Busy.’ "