Busy Woman's Meditation Program
Session 1

What would you do differently today if you knew
beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that the Universe does, in fact, have your back?
What if it's conspiring right now to surprise and
delight you, even if you can't see all of the dots
connecting yet?
Busy Woman's Meditation Program
Session 1: Setting Up Your Practice: Setting Yourself Up For Success With A Home Meditation Practice
- CLICK HERE to join the ❤ Busy Woman's Meditation Program Group ❤ on Facebook.
- Before we meet in session, please look over the Welcome & Introduction information on the website and in the Welcome email that was sent to you.
- Here is the Setting Yourself Up For Success With A Home Meditation Practice for you to use in setting up your own practice.
- Begin thinking now about what your ideal meditation practice would look like, one that you’d really enjoy doing? Write down a few things to share with me in session, being as specific as possible about when, where, how and how often you'd meditate. What results with regard to meditation, do you want to see at the end of our 4 weeks of working together?
- At the end of this first session and then at the start of each new session, we will discuss your answers to the Accountability Questions, so be sure to go over those questions each week before we meet.
First Busy Woman's Meditation |
- Begin doing the "First Busy Woman's Meditation Audio" (see audio, above) twice a day, everyday, until our next session.
- ACCOUNTABILITY WORKS. Be sure to go over the Accountability Questions before next week's session.
- Starting with our 1st session, please keep track of your daily meditation practices for the next 28 days using: - A high-tech method: the free phone app: is where you can keep track of your daily meditating, set up reminders to meditate for yourself and share your results with me: l[email protected] - OR A low-tech method: download, print out and fill in the Daily Meditation Activity Record for yourself. The form is found here, below, and also on your login page.
- Right after session 1 ends, I’d like you to take out your phone or calendar and take 5 minutes to schedule your next 4 weeks of meditation, noting the 2 times each day you’ll meditate. The reality for most people is if it isn’t scheduled, it probably won’t get done. Trust me on this.
- Something to think about: what would you do differently today if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the
Universe has your back, that it is conspiring to surprise and delight you, even if you can't see all the dots connecting yet?
- If possible, listen to all of these audios with a headset.
- We start each meditation with the intention, "This is my time to meditate, this is my time for me," and any other intention you'd like to add to that.
- We end our meditation the same way each time, by taking a moment to appreciate what you have done by saying, “Thank you” to yourself, for taking time out of your busy day, just for you!
- Maintaining a consistent schedule for bedtime and a nightly unwinding routine that includes meditation will allow you to prepare for a restful sleep. Try doing the Busy Woman’s Releasing Meditation with your nightly ritual.
- Use the Insight Timer app for keeping track of your time while meditating. It's easy to use and free.
- The Calm app has an excellent free tool; a Timed Meditation offering, where you can set a silent meditation time for 1, 2, 5 , 10 minutes or more, which is perfect for when you're just beginning your meditation practice.
- Try the “Meditation Timer-Free” from (under Health & Fitness).
- You can even program a regular recurring reminder into your i-Phone, just say, “Siri, remind me to meditate at __ am and ___ pm each day.”
- If you’re interested in tracking your sleep levels and quality, I recommend using the free Sleep Score app,
- I have several more very effective sleep aids listed on my Resources Page, be sure to check it out when you get a chance if not sleeping well is something you’re dealing with.
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